Orders are shipped as soon as they are assembled and paid for. In order to reduce shipping cost, we choose the best carrier according to your location, the size of items and the weight and size of the order. You will receive a tracking number by email when the carrier pick-up the order at our warehouse. If you are not receiving any tracking number please check your email spams folder. The tracking number is also added to your order history.
We do not profit from shipping cost and do not charge any handling fees or other hidden fees. Shipping fees are variable depending on your location and the order size. Exact shipping fees will be added to your invoice after they are computed. We take care to choose appropriate boxes and offer good packaging to diminish breakage and fees. If one or many items are broken when receiving the order, please check our website section Breakage and returns for the steps to follow.
There is no fee to pick-up your order. Please let us know you will pick-up your order as soon as possible. Also, make sure the order is ready before you come to pick it up. Here is our warehouse address : 1093 chemin de château-bigot, Québec, QC, G1E5C2